How to Select The Right Alcohol Rehab For Recovery
Whether you're just beginning your search for an alcohol rehab facility or are still on the fence about whether you actually need treatment, knowing what to look for can help you avoid spending time and money on an alcohol recovery
What to Do if Your Child is Addicted to Drugs or Alcohol
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, 35% of teens have used marijuana or another illicit substance. If you're worried that your teen is addicted to drugs or alcohol, holistic rehab can help your child begin putting the pieces
What are Drug & Alcohol Detox Facilities
No one wants to waste endless months of their life in rehab, and many addicts are so protective of their time and resources that they're not even willing to go to a 12-step meeting. Detox, though, is the necessary and
Toronto Alcohol Rehab
More than 16 million adults—7% of the population—struggle with an addiction to alcohol. Even when researchers don't take into account the violence and accidents that alcohol so often contributes to, this seemingly innocuous drink claims nearly 30,000 lives each year. If
Tips for Choosing an Alcohol Rehab Center
If you're ready to begin the journey of alcohol recovery, you might feel a mixed cocktail of emotions: trepidation, excitement about your new life, shame, anxiety, and perhaps even a nagging sense that you won't be able to kick the
Understanding the Detox Process at a Drug Detox Center
Drug detox is more than just an inconvenience. It's a medical state that, in some circumstances, can endanger your life and mental health. Trying to detox alone is almost inevitably a recipe for failure. Instead, you need the assistance of
Benefits of Choosing a Holistic Alcohol Treatment Center
We live in a society where alcohol abuse isn't just normalized but even encouraged. Most people engage in binge drinking from time to time, with even higher rates of binging among college students and young adults. So it's easy to
Am I An Alcoholic?
Seventy percent of Americans drink at least annually, and nearly 90% have consumed alcohol at least once. Alcohol is our nation's favorite drug and is so popular that many users refuse to even acknowledge that it is a drug. About
Do I Need Alcohol Rehab
When you're trapped in a cycle of addiction, recovery can feel impossible, leading treatment to feel futile. Every year, 1.3 million Americans seek treatment for alcohol addiction, but that accounts for less than 10% of those who need treatment. If
Alcohol Detox
About a quarter of adults engage in binge drinking each month, with 1.3 million Americans seeking treatment for alcohol addiction each year. This figure accounts for a mere 7.8% of all adults who need assistance managing an addiction to alcohol.