Frequently Asked Questions:
Addiction is a common problem among many people in Canada these days. And as far as addiction is concerned, different kinds of addictive substances and drugs are commonly involved which usually include alcohol, marijuana, cocaine and many others. Here are some frequently asked questions regarding addiction, addiction treatment and recovery:

How to overcome alcohol addiction?
A: Overcoming alcohol addiction depends on the severity or degree of a person’s alcoholism. While there are people who are victorious with their aim to overcome their addiction, it is sad to know that there are also those who found it hard to do it, causing them to get back to their old vice after spending time, money and effort for their treatment and recovery.
Practically, there are five steps to follow so that you can overcome your alcohol addiction the safe and effective way possible.
- Take the time to recognize that you have a problem
- Do all the best that you can to avoid all temptations
- Say goodbye to all your drinking buddies
- Seek for a self-help group or a professional treatment
- Be consistent and be proud of yourself
What is the time duration of marijuana addiction treatment?
A: Marijuana addiction is one of the most common types of drug-related problems not only in Canada but in many countries as well. While marijuana is used by many sectors in curing certain illnesses, this kind of drug is banned in many parts of the country because of its addictive properties. The question is: how long will it take for a person to get himself treated from marijuana addiction?
The progress of a marijuana addict who is undergoing marijuana addiction treatment usually depends on the rate, level or degree of his addiction. Because of this, there is no predetermined length of treatment for marijuana addiction treatment. However, research has equivocally shown that good results are contingent on sufficient treatment length. For outpatient and residential treatment, less than ninety days of participation is of limited effectiveness and longer treatments are recommended for more positive outcomes.
How to overcome alcohol addiction?
A: Cocaine addiction is another drug-related problem in Canada these days and is next to marijuana in terms of popularity. When a person who is addicted to cocaine has decided to undergo cocaine treatment, how long will he have to wait for his complete treatment and recovery?
Individuals usually progress through drug addiction treatment (cocaine addiction treatment) at various rates. This means that there is no predetermined or accurate duration for a particular drug treatment. However, researchers are equivocal of their findings that good outcomes are commonly achieved with adequate treatment. Participating in a treatment program for less than 90 days is less effective while a treatment that significantly longer is recommended for achieving and maintaining positive results.
Are you religious in orientation?
We are neither a religious facility, nor a facility that endorses a specific religious ideology. We believe instead that each one of our clients has their own spiritual journey to walk; it is not our job to force you into a specific path or to walk that journey for you. We embrace all spiritual perspectives, as well as atheist and agnostic identities. No matter what you believe, we will respect it, as long as it harms no one else. We know that spirituality can be an important aid on the recovery journey, so we will work with you to find a treatment facility that will incorporate your spiritual path into your recovery journey.
Do you work with LGBT clients?
Yes, of course! We do not discriminate against LGBT populations, and have immense experience working with people of all gender identities and expressions, as well as a range of sexual orientations. We understand that the pain of discrimination can compound your addiction struggles, so we will work alongside you to tackle the additional challenges your LGBT identity may cause.
What if I relapse?
It is estimated that almost two thirds of recovered addicts suffers a relapse. We believe that a holistic, lifestyle-oriented approach can give you the skills you need to fight against relapsing. Nevertheless, relapse is common. Some addiction experts even argue that it’s a normal part of the recovery journey. You can learn a lot from a relapse, so if you do relapse, your treatment team will support you as you continue the journey to lasting and permanent recovery. Some facilities offer a limited guarantee that provides some extra security to those concerned about relapsing.
What if I don’t want to undergo treatment?
No one can force you to undergo addiction treatment without your consent, and research consistently demonstrates that forcing recovery is not generally effective. While we strongly encourage you to push through the struggles of early sobriety, most facilities will allow you to leave whenever you like, although they will do everything they can to convince you to stay. Your addiction counsellors will discuss the risks of leaving, your specific recovery journey, and how they can help you with your goals.
What happens when I’m ready to leave?
Your treatment team will begin planning for your discharge from the moment you set foot in their facility. They know that the first days after you leave treatment may be the most difficult, so they will work with you to establish a support and recovery plan that nurtures your psychological, physical, emotional, and practical needs. We have connections to innumerable community resources, including doctors, therapists, and support groups who can help you continue your recovery journey. We will help you find a long-term recovery plan that works with the way you live your life.
Can you locate sober living options?
Yes! We can help you find residences that offer a variety of features and amenities. These sober living houses are an ideal way to make the transition from rehab back to the real world, and they provide a welcome break from the stress, peer pressure, and endless busyness of everyday life.
Can I work?
We encourage our clients to work, and we believe that a rewarding job can be a strong motivator for getting sober. If you have struggled to find employment, your treatment program can help you gain the skills and confidence you need. If you are currently employed, there are laws in place that protect your right to take time off to pursue medical care. When you can work, and for how long, depends on your treatment progress.
How do you protect my privacy?
We comply with all provincial and federal privacy laws. We will never release your personal information to friends, employers, family, or other providers without your consent. Your treatment and rehab facility cannot acknowledge that you are one of their clients without your permission.
What if I have an outstanding warrant or other legal issues?
We are not a legal services firm, and we do not have attorneys on staff, so we cannot offer you legal assistance. No legitimate rehab facility will knowingly hide an individual who is being sought by authorities, but they will accept clients with outstanding legal issues. Facility directors work closely with courts and probation officers, and many report seeing cases where entering rehab benefits a legal case. For instance, a judge who sees that you are working to move beyond your addiction may be less likely to impose a harsh sentence. Some probation officers offer breaks to probationers for good behavior. No matter what your legal issues are, we encourage you—in the strongest possible terms—to hire a lawyer. The Bar Association in your province will have a list of all currently licensed attorneys in that province.
How will my family be involved in my treatment?
We strongly encourage your family—or the people who will live with and support you after your treatment is complete—to be involved in your treatment. We believe that addiction is a family disease, and that the best way to combat it is to address your needs and those of your family. As you progress through your treatment journey, your team will begin to integrate your family in the discussions. Most facilities offer family therapy and education programs so that your family can better understand your recovery journey and commitment. Please note that all family involvement is with your consent: while we encourage you to make amends with your family if you are estranged from them, your privacy is paramount. Family members will never be invited to participate in your recovery without your consent.
Can my family visit?
Most facilities will allow your family to visit, and even offer family programs to ensure that they have a keen understanding of the disease of addiction. Your loved ones are key players in the recovery process. The specific days and times your family can visit will depend on your treatment progress and your therapists’ recommendations.
What about my other health issues?
Although addiction treatment and rehab facilities specialize in treating addiction, they will also address underlying mental health issues. People in inpatient programs who struggle with other issues, such as cardiovascular disease or unexplained neurological symptoms, are given access to a medical specialist when needed.
What if I’m taking prescription medication?
We know that many addicts also struggle with health challenges and dual mental health diagnoses. Your treatment facility is there to help you manage all of your medications. This includes helping you find alternatives to potentially addictive prescription drugs, as well those to which you are currently addicted. When you are admitted to your treatment program, a psychiatrist will conduct a comprehensive overview of your medication situation, and monitor your use of medication for the duration of your treatment.
Are there doctors and nurses on-site?
Addiction is a medical condition akin to diabetes or heart failure. Most inpatient treatment facilities have staff doctors and nursing staff. You can rest easy knowing that there are professionals available to meet your medical needs, keep you healthy, and help you cope with detox-related symptoms.
Does insurance cover rehab costs?
Many insurance plans offer coverage for mental health treatment, including inpatient drug and alcohol addiction services. The process of obtaining coverage for your care will depend on your insurer’s policies. The admissions counsellor of the facility you go to will be able to help you get the most out of your benefits package.
How long does inpatient treatment last?
The specific length of your stay depends on the facility, and on your specific needs. Most residents stay between 30 and 90 days, but medical conditions, your psychological health, and the length of time you have been an addict can all lengthen or shorten the duration of your stay. Of course, you have complete control of your treatment, which means you can check out any time you like, though if you do so against medical advice, you could find yourself relapsing in just a matter of days.
How much does treatment cost?
Your admissions counsellor will discuss treatment costs with you in person or over the phone. Because of the variety of programs available, and because insurance coverage varies depending on your provider and plan, there is no single cost for a program. However, there are many facilities that offer competitive rates that the average person can afford.
What addictions are treated?
Most facilities focus their attention on drug and alcohol addiction, including addiction to marijuana, prescription pills, cocaine, crack, methamphetamine, and numerous other drugs. They also help clients struggling with a dual diagnosis, and are highly adept at managing the intersection of trauma, addiction, and mental illness. Many facilities also treat behavioral addictions, such as gambling addiction, shopping addiction, and gaming addiction.