The Rocky Native Friendship Centre is designed to improve the quality of life for Aboriginal people in an urban environment by suporting self determined activities which encourage equal access to an participation in Canadian society and which strengthens Aborignal cultural awareness. The Rocky Native Friendship Centre is an outpatient rehab problem. The program is made for aboriginal and non-aboriginal people. It can help prevent and educate the addicts so that they can lead more stable lives. They can go through counselling in groups and with counsellors. The whole purpose is to bring them to a point where they can face life without having to turn to drugs or alcohol for comfort. The ANP Program is to create a healthy and suportive community b empowering Aboriginal children, families and individuals. The program provides a single point of entry for services as well as advocating on clients behalf to ensure they receive timely, respectfuly and appropriate treatment and to ensure that the voice of Aboriginal People are heard.