Addiction to alcohol and drugs is a disease that can be treated. We provide help for addicts, co-dependents, and their families who are suffering from the injustices of addiction. Our Alcohol and Drug Program provides a quality service that helps aboriginal people achieve a healthier and satisfying life free from alcohol and drug use. We are part of an overall system of care that includes Detoxification, Treatment, Residential Programs such as Recovery Houses, other Outpatient Services, Aftercare, Maintenance, Educational Programs, referrals to Courtworkers plus other justice related personnel and other services. The goal of our care is to decrease substance use and misuse, improve health, decrease legal problems, improve thinking and social functioning, and improve self-esteem and coping abilities. We also want to increase occupational and educational opportunities for you. We know recovery is a life-long, day-to-day process. This process requires hard work, commitment, self-awareness and honesty. We are here to help you succeed in your recovery process.