Our primary mandate and obligation is to ensure the safety, security, and wellbeing of the community at-large while meeting the social and clinical needs of the residents. Berkana House has a total of 10 beds and houses women aged 18+ in an apartment-style building and is a joint initiative between CJHS and the Elizabeth Fry Society. Residents staying at Berkana House have been referred by Correctional Services Canada for transition back into the community. All referrals are screened for suitability to the program. These women are from all walks of life and have committed a wide variety of offences. Successful candidates demonstrate positive motivation, some insight into their criminogenic factors and a willingness to address and change those factors. As part of the re-integration process, Berkana residents are given support within a structured release plan which requires consistent supervision. The house is staffed 24/7 and the residents are supported through both formal (case planning) and informal interactions, in-house programing, social activities and holistic approaches.