Addiction Rehab Centers

porn addiction withdrawal

12 Symptoms of Porn Addiction Withdrawal

If you are struggling with porn addiction, and wish to discontinue use altogether, withdrawal symptoms from porn are real and may prove challenging to handle when trying to quit. While addiction treatment programs exist to assist users through withdrawal processes, withdrawal is real and should not be underestimated when trying to quit this substance-induced behaviour.

Should you find yourself addicted to porn, don’t wait a second before seeking assistance. Addiction Rehab Centres will guide every step of recovery with care and expertise – call us now at +1-855-885-4747 to inquire about rehabilitation programs available near you and here is a list of 12 symptoms of withdrawal related to your addiction that you could encounter.

What Is Porn Addiction?

Porn addiction refers to an addiction to pornographic videos or images, marked by an intense desire for viewing these despite adverse consequences on one’s life. It affects individuals of all ages worldwide and this problem continues to rise rapidly affecting millions worldwide; fortunately, there are treatment options available such as withdrawal for those struggling with this form of dependency.

How Does Porn Addiction Withdrawal Affect the Brain?

Withdrawing from Porn Addiction is similar to withdrawal from other types of addiction: Your brain experiences changes in dopamine levels as you attempt to discontinue. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter linked with pleasure and motivation released when we engage in activities which give pleasure or motivation, such as eating, having sexual contact or using drugs. When we try to quit our addiction we release more dopamine which contributes to feeling happy such as eating, having sexual contact or using drugs which makes us happy; dopamine levels may drop when trying to quit; dopamine levels rise as we move closer towards stopping.

Addiction to porn can make your brain dependent upon its high dopamine release when viewing pornographic material; when trying to stop, these high levels don’t come rushing in and may lead to withdrawal symptoms as your mind gets used to being fed that high dose.

What Are Porn Addiction Withdrawal Symptoms?

Understanding porn addiction withdrawal symptoms is vital in managing and coping with them effectively.

Here are 12 of the most common porn addiction withdrawal symptoms:

  1. Anxiety – This can manifest as feeling on edge, restless, or panicked.
  2. Depression – Quitting porn can lead to a worsening of depressive symptoms or even trigger a depressive episode.
  3. Irritability – Often due to the anxiety and stress of quitting an addiction.
  4. Loss of libido – Real-life sexual encounters might seem less exciting compared to porn.
  5. Insomnia – Often due to anxiety and changes in brain chemistry.
  6. Fatigue – Likely due to changes in sleep patterns and the exhaustion that comes with addiction.
  7. Headaches – Especially common during the early stages of withdrawal.
  8. Intrusive thoughts – Many report distressing thoughts about porn, making it hard to focus on other things.
  9. Cravings – Intense and overwhelming, they can lead to a relapse if not managed.
  10. Mood swings – Due to the brain’s changes during withdrawal.
  11. Difficulty concentrating – Often due to intrusive thoughts and cravings.
  12. Social isolation – Exacerbated by the shame and embarrassment of addiction

Addiction Rehab Centres Offer Help for Porn Addiction Withdrawal Symptoms Take the first steps on the road to recovery today – give us a call and start talking with one of our admissions counsellors 24/7. Our treatment options have been specifically curated to fit the individual’s unique situation; simply contact us so that we can create your bespoke recovery plan today.

Contact us at the number above today at +1-855-885-4747 and find out about all of the treatment options we provide!


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