Does Ontario Have a Drug & Alcohol Abuse Epidemic
Ontario currently faces an epidemic of drug and alcohol abuse. About 10% of the population currently has a substance abuse problem, and with 85% of Ontarians regularly drinking, half using marijuana, and about 20% using a prescription or street drug on
10 Facts About Prescription Drug Addiction You Need To Know
Prescription drug abuse is the nation's fastest-growing form of drug addiction, yet many prescription drug abusers refuse to even acknowledge that their addiction is every bit as serious as a heroin or meth addict's addiction. Prescription drug addiction kills, and
What is Dual Diagnosis Treatment
About half of all people with a substance abuse problem also have an underlying mental illness. In some cases, the mental illness preceded the addiction, while in others it sprung up during the addiction, or even as a result of
Drug Rehab for Xanax
In the popular imagination, drug addicts buy their drugs from corner drug dealers, in a dirty and dangerous environment. They break the law, spiral out of control, and may even get arrested. But life doesn't always match our preconceived notions. Prescription
Drug Rehab & Addiction Programs for Women
Addiction is hard enough when you're not fighting with your spouse, worrying about your kids, and endlessly scurrying to meet seemingly impossible goals and responsibilities. Women face a uniquely demanding world, and drug rehab for women targets the specific needs
Codeine Addiction Treatment
A little cold shouldn't give rise to a life-altering addiction, but that's precisely what can happen if you become addicted to codeine. Codeine is a powerful opioid drug that is every bit as addictive as heroin, not to mention chemically
Effects of Drug Addiction
In 2013, drugs killed nearly 50,000 people. Alcohol, the most deadly drug of all, claims almost 100,000 lives every year, with various addictions collectively costing the U.S. economy approximately $700 billion annually. Drug addiction might feel like a personal problem,
Prescription Drug Abuse in Ontario
Prescription Drugs: Just as Dangerous as “Hard” Drugs Most prescription drug users lull themselves into a false sense of security by convincing themselves that their drug use isn't as severe as the use of street drugs. But prescription drugs are the
Ontario Drug Rehab
Millions of Ontarians are enslaved to drug and alcohol abuse. If you're worried you might be an addict, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by feelings of helplessness and guilt. The good news is that the addiction is not your fault.
Teen Drug Abuse
Though teen drug abuse has decreased somewhat over the last two decades, there's evidence that it's steadily ticking back up. If your teenager abuses drugs—or you're worried that your own drug abuse has escalated out of control—help is available. Drug abuse