Prescription drugs Addiction Canada
What is Prescription drugs Addiction?
Prescription drugs are legal drugs which are commonly prescribed and used due to their medicinal value. Unfortunately, there are people who abuse these drugs, using them for recreational purposes instead of treating illnesses to which they are intended for. Since these drugs are easier to obtain, many people resort into using these drugs so as to get the high they want to achieve. These drugs are known for their addictive properties and people who are addicted to them simply find it hard to stop.
When someone has become addicted to prescription drugs this should make him realize that he is in a serious condition. Not to mention the unwanted consequences that he may go through, physically and mentally. Different kinds of symptoms are also attributed to prescription drugs dependence or addiction. When someone has to lie to get more of the drugs then this is a symptom of addiction. A person who is also addicted to prescription drugs often experience mood swings. It is also common to see a prescription drugs addict person who is taking more than what is required, or he is taking the prescriptions of others. Addiction to prescription drugs commonly happens due to long-term use or recreational use. These are all the reasons why prescriptions drugs can also be very dangerous.

All around the world, Canada happens to be one of the heaviest producers and consumers of prescription drugs and that the level of abused prescription drugs continues to increase over time. Thus, this simply pictures Canada being problematic about the illegal use of prescription drugs. It was in the year 2002 when authorities found out that there were 7 percent more individuals who were using Dilaudid, a kind of prescription drug, than there were individuals using heroin. Between 2002 and 2004, the percentage of people who make use of prescription drugs for recreational purposes, increased by 1 percent each year.

As far as prescription drug addiction and abuse are concerned, Canada actually placed fourth for countries that have the most number of prescription drugs addiction cases. More often than not, many Canadians get prescription drugs to treat different kinds of health conditions so this is something that elevates the level of addiction to these drugs. Surprisingly, prescription drug addiction has surpassed cannabis (marijuana) within the populace of Canada. According to a study, addiction to prescription drugs commonly starts in hospitals. These drugs are usually needed initially but soon become hard to stop after a while.
Finding a Treatment for Prescription Drug Addiction
Addiction Rehab Centres Canada is an authority that treats and rehabilitates people who have been addicted to drugs such as prescription drugs. For more information about the safe and effective way to get treated in your addiction, feel free to contact us today.
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